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IP - Benefits
IP-BENEFITS: business targets that could be reached using ip - tools. IP-Strategy is a high-level action plan of a company to achieve ambitious business goals under conditions of market uncertainty
Legal analysis and determination of signs of patent and copyright infringement, detection of counterfeit products, issuance of opinions, expert visits to lawsuits
Exchange "IP-MARIS"
International online marketplace for trading franchises, licenses, brands, computer programs, technologies. Inquiries from investors and partners, IPS -quotes
Association can help to reach different business targets, which are important for owners
Packages for MARIS members
- Expert advice in the amount of 2 hours per month (price list $ 300)
- Free participation in events MARIS
- Discounts of 3% for the services of MARIS consultants
- Receive Bulletin MARIS newsletters (quarterly)
- The right to install logo MARIS on the website, business cards and signs
- Receiving a package of training materials on intellectual property
- Priority inclusion in training and certification groups (except for IP-Hacking)
- Warranty certificate "MARIS PROTECTION-72" on the priority support from the MARIS and the allocation of experts for:
-participation in judicial, antitrust, law enforcement and other processes;
-protecting a member of MARIS and countering raider attacks. - Response time - 72 hours
- Access to the database of members, experts and partners of MARIS for cooperation and networking (for the CIS)
- Free development of Registry of intellectual property (price price $ 250)
- Expert advice in the amount of 4 hours per month (price list $ 600)
- Free participation in events MARIS
- Discounts of 6% for the services of MARIS consultants
- Receive Bulletin MARIS newsletters (quarterly)
- The right to install logo MARIS on the website, business cards and signs
- Receiving a package of training materials on intellectual property, as well as templates
- Priority inclusion in training and certification groups (including IP-Hacking)
- Warranty certificate "MARIS PROTECTION-72" on the priority support from the MARIS and the allocation of experts for:
-participation in judicial, antitrust, law enforcement and other processes;
-protecting a member of MARIS and countering raider attacks. - Response time - 72 hours
- Access to the database of members, experts and partners of MARIS for cooperation and networking (for the CIS)
- Free development of the Register of Intellectual Property Objects with recommendations on the optimal protection strategy ($ 350 price list)
- Receiving the Ethical Intellect-test (Ethical IP-Haking) service for the Basic package free of charge (according to the priority schedule). Price list - from $ 2,000
- The right to vote at the General Meetings of the members of the MARIS
- The right to publish member information on the official MARIS website
- To nominate representatives to the governing bodies of MARIS